Canada Now and in 2050
This training module outlines what we can anticipate over the next 30 years, and what these changes mean for us as a society.
Reducing implicit bias
This training module provides an understanding of implicit bias and the limitations in fully eliminating it.
Making Diversity Work for You
This training module provides an understanding of how to build diversity in your workplace and your community.
Become More Inclusive
This training module provides an overview of what it means to become a more inclusive employer, employee, citizen.
The Changing Face of Canada
This training module provides an overview of the changes Canada will face in its workforce and what we need to do to adapt.
Employee Engagement
This training module examines how you and your employees can build, manage and promote workplace diversity.
Hospitals, inter-faith groups, chaplaincy programs, palliative care centres, nursing programs will be interested in
Race, class, identity and intergenerational wisdom are examined through storytelling in
Our Grandmothers Ourselves
Women studies programs, women's organizations, centres of study for immigration, aging and family will appreciate
Each one of us learns in different ways. Over the course of a training module, a number of facilitation techniques are used, such as videos, questionnaires, role playing, mapping and problem solving, interactive exercises, team building activities, blog posts, focus groups, surveys, presentations.
I bring a personalized approach to public speaking events. While my doctoral studies taught me how to understand and work with theory, my projects and community initiatives taught me how to search for practical solutions, no matter the challenge. I am clear and forthright, and speak passionately about issues of equity and inclusion.
“Elle est consciente des défis auxquels font face la diversité et l’inclusion au Canada. On ne peut pas dire que tout le monde croit que travailler vers un Canada plus inclusif est un objectif dans lequel il faudrait investir. Alors elle constate que la population doit également discuter de la façon de gérer cette réalité dans les milieux de travail et les collectivités."
La Source
Forum de la diversite
"Mme Valle: Nous voulons vous remercier pour votre présentation. Les enseignant.e.s ont bien apprécié votre présentation. Ils ont admiré que vous parlez français, votre troisième langue, si couramment et que vous prenez le temps de vous exprimer. Vous les avez mis bien à l'aise."
Peel Board of Education
Department for Teacher Development